Web Workflows - Jovix - Release Notes

Jovix Release Notes Version 2024.15

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Release Notes
Jovix Version

We’ve implemented several updates to improve the workflow configuration and codebase management.

Firstly, you can now set a maximum value for number and decimal fields on form screens within workflows. This ensures that users cannot enter values above the specified threshold, with a translatable validation error message triggered if they do. The workflow documentation has been updated to reflect this new feature.

Additionally, the Location component has been updated to use the default change detection strategy, with unnecessary code removed and new unit tests added for better reliability and easier future maintenance.

Finally, the unused CustomContainerControlComponent has been deleted from the codebase to streamline the web app and reduce confusion caused by obsolete classes. These changes enhance both functionality and code quality.

Key Summary Story Points Status
JX-14098 Web - Chips - Set global minimum width 3 Done
JX-14096 Mobile Shell - README - Update README 2 Done
JX-14035 Time Box: 30 hrs - Imports - API - Research garbage collection of sub-orchestrators to reduce slow down during import process Done
JX-14034 Web - Introduce error message when name is duplicated Done
JX-14033 Entity Data - Ensure inspection template name does not save with leading/trailing whitespace Done
JX-13979 WA - BUG - Import Templates - Identify Data - Auto-selecting Every Entity that is Related to our Primary 5 Done
JX-13933 J3 - Inspection Templates - API - Metadata - Prohibit particular entity type names 3 Done
JX-13912 J3 - Inspection Templates - Create - Validate Name is unique 5 Done
JX-13841 Web - MDC Component Migration - Tabs Module 5 Done
JX-13834 Web - MDC Component Migration - Chips Module 5 Done
JX-13784 J3 - Web App - Localization - Translated text in Project Workspace List does not change languages until returning to page or refresh 3 Done
JX-13715 WA - Import Templates - Create - Related Entities - Create & Relate - Advanced Settings - Apply Creation of Related Entities 8 Done
JX-13663 WA - Import Templates - Create - Field Mapping - Indicate Required Fields for Related Entities 5 Done
JX-13318 Web - Workflows - Add Support for Maximum Value for Form Screen Number/Decimal Fields 5 Done
JX-13313 Web - Workflows - Clean Up Location Component 5 Done
JX-13310 Web - Workflows - Delete Custom Container Control Component 1 Done