Copy/paste tables from Microsoft Word and Excel to the statement editor - AcceleratorKMS - Version 3.12 - Help - Hexagon

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When copying tables from Word® or Excel® to the statement editor, the following occurs:

  • Word® - Statement editor retains the Word® formatting if the formatting is also supported in the statement editor, such as bold, italics, underline, etc.

  • Excel® - Statement editor displays pasted table content as plain text and does not retain formatting of bold, italics, and underline; however, merged cells are retained. Excel® formulas are also not retained but the copied cell values are recognized and pasted into the statement editor.

When using the Statement search, the results area shows Excel® tables without borders; however, when you select/edit the statement, the borders display.

Optionally, you can recreate a table in AcceleratorKMS using a Basic Table or Dynamic Table.

While copying and pasting into the statement editor, Ctrl+Shift+V must be used so that text is pasted without source formatting. If formatting is included, it tends to include unsupported text editor characters, which results in a continuous processing wheel. This would require closing the browser and ultimately losing any unsaved work.