Configure External Links Menu - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.1 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

AcceleratorKMS Installation and Configuration

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Installation & Upgrade
AcceleratorKMS Version

About this task

Within Configuration, the Super Admin can create links that appear in an external link menu within the Accelerator header. If no links are added, then the menu item does not appear.


  1. Within AcceleratorKMS, go to Configuration.

    ExternalLinks appears only for Super Admins, not the local Administrator (i.e., those users who are assigned the Administrator role). If you cannot see it, then contact your Tier 2 Support team to determine who can.

  2. Go to the UI Modes section and find ExternalLinks.

  3. Create each required link using the following list item syntax and replacing [url] and [title] with the required details:

    <li><a href="[url]" target="_blank">[title]</a></li>

    Setting target= "_blank" ensures that the link opens in a new tab.

  4. On the Configuration page, click Save.