Reusable variables in asset templates - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.0 - Help - Hexagon

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If reusable variables are used in templates, the variable values are defined in the asset profile. For a variable value to be defined in the asset profile, you must first generate the content. After a value is defined in the asset profile, the variable can be reused in all content associated with that Asset ID and will not need to be defined again.


For a Startup template for pumps PU-103 and PU-103A, the following statements have used reusable variables {pumpID} and {pumpAlternate}. These statements demonstrate opportunity for reuse by implementing reusable variables. We can reuse one template and plug different values in when we are starting up PU-103 and when we are starting up PU-103A. For example, when Asset ID PU-103 is starting up, the variable value for {pumpID} is PU-103 and {pumpAlternate} is PU-103A. However, when it is time to start up PU-103A, the variable value for {pumpID} is PU-103A and {pumpAlternate} is PU-103.

Reusable variable examples

Template title: Startup

Asset type: Pump

Asset ID: PU-103

Asset type: Pump

Asset ID: PU-103A

Variable and ID:

{pumpID}=PU-103 {pumpAlternate}=PU-103A

Variable and ID:

{pumpID}=PU-103A {pumpAlternate}=PU-103

Example of generated content:

(after variables are defined in the specific Asset Profiles for each Asset ID)

START pump PU-103.

MONITOR pump PU-103 for 24 hours.

SHUTDOWN pump PU-103A.

START pump PU-103A.

MONITOR pump PU-103A for 24 hours.

SHUTDOWN pump PU-103.

Generated content title:

PU-103 --- Pump --- Startup

PU-103A --- Pump --- Startup