Single use variables - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.1 - Help - Hexagon

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The single use variable value is specific to the statement rather than being specific to an asset or content. Therefore, when a statement is used several times and contains a single use variable, you are prompted to define the variable value each time the statement is used within your content.

To determine when to create a variable, identify the types of statements used within your content or across all your content to identify statements that are the same with the exception of a unique value, such as a valve number, pressure setting, or asset ID. You can then create one statement and add variables that define the specific details. This statement can be reused repeatedly in all your content and each time the variables will be defined.

Single use variable examples

Statement(s) written once using single-use variable

The Statement(s) are reused in each of the following documents

How the statement appears after variable is defined for each of the documents

WAIT {su} before restarting.

Pump123 - Pump - Restarting after power failure

WAIT 5 minutes before restarting.

Cooler123 - Cooler - Restarting after reboot

WAIT until notified by Supervisor before restarting.

Fan447 - Fans - Restarting after power failure

WAIT for pump to warmup before restarting.

  1. OPEN {su} to {su1}.

  2. CLOSE {su} from {su1}.

When a single-use variable is used several times, you must give the variable a value in each place the statement is used.

Tower303 - Depropanizer - Prepare for Maintenance

  1. OPEN low-point drain to Flare Header.

  2. CLOSE high-point vent valve from Flare Header.

Drum503 - Drum- Prepare for Maintenance

  1. OPEN high-point vent valve to Decon Header.

  2. CLOSE high-point vent valve from Decon Header.