Upgrade CFIHOS mappings to the latest version - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Upgrade CFIHOS mappings to the latest version (modified in an update).

To get the latest CFIHOS RDL data, for example, tag classifications, equipment classifications, and their properties, you must generate the load files using the HxGN SDx load file generator. After generating the load files, activate the latest mappings in Data Validator Administration module and perform load jobs to create the objects as per the latest CFIHOS standards.

How are the previous version CFIHOS mappings upgraded to the latest version?

  • The optional upgrade to the latest version of the CFIHOS standard is initiated in the Server Manager CFIHOS Upgrade Wizard. For more information, see Optionally upgrade a site to the latest CFIHOS version.

  • Internal upgrades to CFIHOS versions are provided through the SDx Upgrade Wizard. For more information, see Internal upgrades to CFIHOS versions.

  • The optional upgrade to the latest version of the CFIHOS mappings is initiated in the Data Validator Administration module.

Customized mapping objects will not be upgraded. If you want to move all customized mapping objects to refer to the latest version of mappings, it has to be done manually.

Mappings upgrade process

  • After the optional upgrade process in the Server Manager is completed, the Upgrade to the Latest CFIHOS Mappings Upgrade_DV_Mappings option is enabled in Data Validator Administration.

    • You can use this option to activate the latest version of CFIHOS mappings in the Web Client Load Manager. Before activating the option, review the new mappings and add any changes to the previously delivered mappings. After the review is complete, you can activate the latest mappings.

  • This process generates the list of customized and non-customized mappings objects. This generated data will be attached to the CFIHOS Mappings optional upgrade template document. Deactivating the existing mappings and enabling the latest mappings is done in the backend using the CFIHOS Mappings optional upgrade template document which contains the previously delivered mappings information in two CSV files, SDVCFIHOSJDConfiguration.csv and SDVCFIHOSMethodsConfiguration.csv.

    • You can access the CFIHOS Mappings optional upgrade template document and the associated CSV files in the Desktop Client by selecting Find > Template Documents and typing CFIHOS Mappings optional upgrade template in the Find Template Documents dialog box that is displayed.

  • After the upgrade process is completed, the new set of CFIHOS mappings with updated job details and loader methods as per latest version will be available. All the CFIHOS related job details, job details items, and loader methods will refer to the latest CFIHOS version of mapping objects. All the relationships are terminated for the previous versions.

Mappings delete process

After you upgrade to the latest CFIHOS mappings, the Delete Previous Version CFIHOS Mappings Delete_DV_Mappings option is enabled, which can be used to clean up the system by removing all the existing mapping objects.

  • Customized mapping objects such as job definitions, job details objects, and so on are not deleted using this option. For example, if you have customized a job details object or job details item object, the associated job definition and mappings are treated as customized objects and not deleted. You can refer to the SDVObjectsToBeDeleted.csv file in the CFIHOS Mappings optional upgrade template document for details of the custom mappings, and delete these objects or mappings manually, if required.

    Use the SDVObjectsToBeDeleted.csv file for reference only. We recommend that you do not modify it in any way to avoid any unexpected problems.

  • The following three mapping objects will not be deleted because the master mappings for these are not available and cannot be compared to check if any customizations have been done. We recommend you delete these mappings after checking for and preserving any customizations, if required.

    • HEX v1.2 055 3.3 TagProps

    • HEX v1.2 065 3.1 AssetProps

    • HEX v1.2 095 3.2 ModelProps

  1. Click the Upgrade to the Latest CFIHOS Mappings Upgrade_DV_Mappings option in any page of Data Validator Administration to start the mappings upgrade process.

    This is an irreversible process.

    SHARED Tip This option is enabled only if you have upgraded your site to the latest CFIHOS version using the CFIHOS Upgrade Wizard in the Server Manager. For more information, see Optionally upgrade a site to the latest CFIHOS version.

  2. Click OK on the warning message that is displayed.

    SHARED Tip if there are any running jobs, another warning message will be displayed. Click OK on the warning message to continue with the upgrade process.

  3. Click the Delete Previous Version CFIHOS Mappings Delete_DV_Mappings option to delete the previous version of the CFIHOS mappings.

    SHARED Tip This option is enabled only after the CFIHOS mappings are upgraded to the latest version.