Unable to connect to the Desktop Client - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Error message

The following error message appears when you click OK in the Desktop Client Logon Information dialog box.

The server ServerName is not responding.


This error is caused when the host or virtual directory is not accessible. To fix this problem, do the following:

  1. Check the corresponding <ServerName> value in the ServerConnections.xml file, located in \ProgramData\SDx on the client computer.

    For example, make sure that the following key has the correct informationn: <server name="<ServerName>" spfserver="<HostName>" spfwebdir="<Virtual Directory>" secure="True" trusted="True" />.

  2. If a local connection entry has been configured, check the settings.xml file for the user on the client computer, located in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SDX\Settings.xml.

    For example, make sure that the following key has the correct information, as seen in this example: <server name="LocalEntry" host="<HostName>" dir="<Virtual Directory>" ssl="True" trusted="True" />.

  3. Check that the host as specified (<HostName>/<Servername>) is accessible over the network.

  4. Check that the virtual directory on the HxGN SDx server is accessible.