Configure the results grid sort order - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

To configure automatic sorting of objects in the results grid by finding the column set related to the object type you want to configure for automatic sorting, such as an API Entry Point.

When you locate the column set, you can configure the automatic sorting using the Manage Column Items dialog box in the WebClient, which allows you to configure the sort order of column items.

The two options used for configuring automatic sorting are:

  • Sort Sequence - determines the priority order of the column items to sort on.

  • Sort Order - determines whether to sort by ascending, descending, or none.

For example, you can start to sort the order of the column items for the FDWTag column set by setting the Sort Sequence for the Name column item to 1 and the Sort Order to Ascending.

For more information on managing related items, see Manage related items.