Edit the properties of an object in the List Edit window - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

  • When a document is displayed in a List Edit relationship column or in the Edit Relationships dialog box, the revision or version information is displayed with the name of the document. For more information, see List editing.

  • Any changes are saved to the database when you click Apply or OK. You cannot undo any changes that have been saved to the database.

Change units of measure

  1. Click or type in a cell for a property that is defined by a UoM.

  2. Select a unit of measure. You can also type the first letters of the UoM to jump to the UoM in the list.

    The UOM dialog box converts the value you enter to the UoM you select.

Select a value from the Edit Relationships dialog box

Some properties in your list can be configured to allow you to select values from the Edit Relationships dialog box.

  1. Select a cell in the List Edit window to open the Edit Relationships dialog box.

    ListEdit EditRelationships

  2. Type search criteria and click Find to query for values.

    Search results appear on the left side of the dialog box.

  3. Highlight one or more values and click the right arrow EditRelationships Right Arrow to move the values to the right side of the dialog box.

  4. Click the left arrow EditRelationships Left Arrow to move values you do not want to assign back to the left side of the dialog box.

    • The search criteria box only appears if the column is set to RelationshipFind in the column set. If this is not set, all available items appear on the left side of the dialog box.

    • You may be allowed to assign multiple values to a property, or the property might be restricted to only one value. This depends on the rules of the relationship.

    • Each document is displayed in the Edit Relationships dialog box with its name and revision or version information. For more information, see List editing.

  5. Click OK to assign the value or values to the property.

Copy and paste

  • Copy the contents of a cell using CTRL+C.

  • Paste into one or many cells using CTRL+V.

The value you select for one property or relationship might determine the list of values available for another property or relationship. You can copy and paste properties and relationships selected from these cells just like other values in the List Edit window. Any cells that represent properties or relationship values dependent on others changed by a copy and paste operation are updated appropriately.