ENS item types - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Most of the options available for defining an ENS item are dependent on the ENS type that you have chosen for the item.

The Mandatory on Dynamic Form? option can be set on each ENS type. This specifies that when you set the mandatory dynamic form option to True, the ENS item must have a value entered when it is displayed on a dynamic form. For more information on creating dynamic forms, see Dynamic sections.

An ENS item can be one of the following types:


This ENS type specifies a text value for the ENS item. The options available for the Constant ENS type are:

  • ENS delimiter after - specifies the delimiter to add at the end of the item when the software builds the ENS string. This is an optional field.

  • ENS constant - specifies constant values for the ENS item. This is a required field.

  • ENS Unique Sequence Context - specifies that the sequence number used is defined in the context of the other items in the ENS definition. So, if you set the ENS unique sequence context on the ENS Definition, it will derive a sequence that is unique across the system. If not set, the system uses the latest available number in the sequence.

    How do you use the ENS Unique Sequence Context?

    Each ENS definition can contain ENS items that can use the Unique Sequence Context set to create multiple objects numbered in a unique sequence based on the ENS item type. The unique sequence starts from 1 and increments based on the number of objects.

    Therefore, you can create objects using an ENS definition that uses Description and Sequence as ENS items. If you set the Unique Sequence Context on the Description ENS item and create objects using the Description+Sequence ENS definition, the objects are named using the Description with a unique sequence number derived by the system.

    For example, if you create three documents with a create form using the Description+Sequence ENS definition and the Description property set as TEST-A, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-A-001

    • TEST-A-002

    • TEST-A-003

    Since Unique Sequence Context is set for the Description ENS item, changing the Description to a new unique entry resets the sequence to 1. So, if you create three documents and change the description to TEST-B, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-B-001

    • TEST-B-002

    • TEST-B-003

    However, if the Unique Sequence Context is not set on the Description property and you change the Description to TEST-C, the sequence increments to the next available number in the system. The documents are named as:

    • TEST-C-004

    • TEST-C-005

    • TEST-C-006


This ENS type specifies an environment value. The options available for the Environment ENS type are:

  • ENS delimiter after - specifies the delimiter to add at the end of the item when the software builds the ENS string. This is an optional field.

  • ENS field length - specifies the length of the ENS item. If the value of the field is longer than the specified length, the value is truncated. This is a required field.

  • ENS function - specifies the environment variable used to determine the value for this ENS item. Possible values are:

    • CurrentConfig - the name of the currently selected create configuration.

    • CurrentQueryConfig - the name of the currently selected ENS option typed query configuration.

    • PlantName - the name of the current plant.

    • Username - the login name of the current user.

    • PrimarySeqNo – allows the primary and secondary ENS definitions to be the same on the item. For more information, see Configure secondary ENS definitions.

  • ENS pad justification - specifies the location of a pad sequence. Possible values for the Environment item type are:

    • Left - pad characters are placed on the left side of the item.

    • None - no justification. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is not selected, the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number, but the value of the field is not. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is selected, then the software uses the actual value to determine the next sequence number. This is the default value.

    • Right - pad characters are placed on the right side of the item.

    • Variable - treats the ENS item as a variable length when determining the next sequence number. This means that neither the value nor the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number.

  • ENS pad character - specifies value to pad sequences if all the spaces allotted by the ENS field length option are not used.

    When the software builds the ENS string, if there is no value for the selected environment variable and you have selected a pad character, the resulting string is composed entirely of pad characters. If you have selected an ENS pad justification value of Left or Right but no pad character and the environment variable does not have a value, then this field is ignored when the software builds the ENS string.

  • ENS Unique Sequence Context - specifies that the sequence number used will be defined in the context of the other items in the ENS definition.

    How do you use the ENS Unique Sequence Context?

    Each ENS definition can contain ENS items that can use the Unique Sequence Context set to create multiple objects numbered in a unique sequence based on the ENS item type. The unique sequence starts from 1 and increments based on the number of objects.

    Therefore, you can create objects using an ENS definition that uses Description and Sequence as ENS items. If you set the Unique Sequence Context on the Description ENS item and create objects using the Description+Sequence ENS definition, the objects are named using the Description with a unique sequence number derived by the system.

    For example, if you create three documents with a create form using the Description+Sequence ENS definition and the Description property set as TEST-A, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-A-001

    • TEST-A-002

    • TEST-A-003

    Since Unique Sequence Context is set for the Description ENS item, changing the Description to a new unique entry resets the sequence to 1. So, if you create three documents and change the description to TEST-B, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-B-001

    • TEST-B-002

    • TEST-B-003

    However, if the Unique Sequence Context is not set on the Description property and you change the Description to TEST-C, the sequence increments to the next available number in the system. The documents are named as:

    • TEST-C-004

    • TEST-C-005

    • TEST-C-006


This ENS type is used for automatic sequence numbers. The options available for the Function ENS type are:

  • ENS delimiter after - specifies the delimiter to add at the end of the item when the software builds the ENS string. This is an optional field.

  • ENS field length - specifies the length of the ENS item. This is a required field. If the value of the field is longer than the specified length, the value is truncated.

  • ENS function - the only value available for this field is Sequence. Sequence defines the sequence of numbers to follow the ENS sequence start number.

  • ENS pad justification - specifies the location of a pad sequence. Possible values for the Function item type are:

    • Left - pad characters are placed on the left side of the item. If you select this value, you must also type a value for ENS pad character.

    • None - no justification. This is the default value.

  • ENS fill gaps - specifies whether or not the software fills gaps left in the sequence if numbers are skipped. For example, if you create four items, starting with 20, the software will provide 20, 21, 22, and 24 if 23 is already used. If the starting number is not available and this property is set to True, the software displays an error message. If the property is set to False, the whole range of numbers must be available to create the item. For more information, see Fill ENS gaps.

  • ENS sequence start number - specifies the sequence start number for an ENS function sequence item. This is an optional field.

    • The default ENS function sequence start number is set to 1. To start an ENS sequence beginning with the number 0 (zero), type-1 in the ENS sequence start number field.

    • You can hide the ENS sequence Start at number and Number to create fields on a create form to prevent users from creating multiple objects or overriding the start sequence number. For more information, see Configure the Hide ENS Multi Item Create option.

  • ENS pad character - specifies the value to pad sequences if all the spaces allotted by the ENS field length option are not used. If you select Left for the ENS pad justification value, this field is required. This field is only used for an ENS pad justification value of Left.


This ENS type specifies a property definition. The options available for the Property ENS type are:

  • ENS property definition UID - specifies the name of the property used for the ENS item. This is a required field.

  • ENS field length - specifies the length of the ENS item. This is a required field. If the value of the field is longer than the specified length, the value is truncated.

  • ENS pad justification - specifies the location of a pad sequence. Possible values for the Property item type are:

    • Left - pad characters are placed on the left side of the item.

    • None - no justification. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is not selected, the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number, but the value of the field is not. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is selected, then the software uses the actual value to determine the next sequence number. This is the default value.

    • Right - pad characters are placed on the right side of the item.

    • Variable - treats the ENS item as a variable length when determining the next sequence number. This means that neither the value nor the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number.

  • ENS pad character - specifies the value to pad sequences if all the spaces allotted by the ENS field length option are not used.

    When the software builds the ENS string, if there is no value for the selected property and you have selected a pad character, the resulting string is composed entirely of pad characters. If you have selected an ENS pad justification value of Left or Right but no pad character and the property does not have a property value, then this field is ignored when the software builds the ENS string.

  • ENS delimiter after - specifies the delimiter to add at the end of the item when the software builds the ENS string. This is an optional field.

  • ENS Unique Sequence Context - specifies that the sequence number used will be defined in the context of the other items in the ENS definition.

    How do you use the ENS Unique Sequence Context?

    Each ENS definition can contain ENS items that can use the Unique Sequence Context set to create multiple objects numbered in a unique sequence based on the ENS item type. The unique sequence starts from 1 and increments based on the number of objects.

    Therefore, you can create objects using an ENS definition that uses Description and Sequence as ENS items. If you set the Unique Sequence Context on the Description ENS item and create objects using the Description+Sequence ENS definition, the objects are named using the Description with a unique sequence number derived by the system.

    For example, if you create three documents with a create form using the Description+Sequence ENS definition and the Description property set as TEST-A, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-A-001

    • TEST-A-002

    • TEST-A-003

    Since Unique Sequence Context is set for the Description ENS item, changing the Description to a new unique entry resets the sequence to 1. So, if you create three documents and change the description to TEST-B, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-B-001

    • TEST-B-002

    • TEST-B-003

    However, if the Unique Sequence Context is not set on the Description property and you change the Description to TEST-C, the sequence increments to the next available number in the system. The documents are named as:

    • TEST-C-004

    • TEST-C-005

    • TEST-C-006

Related item

This ENS type specifies a relationship definition, such as a classification. The options available for the Related Item ENS type are:

  • ENS relationship definition UID - specifies the UID for a relationship definition. The name must be preceded by either + or - prefix, which indicates the direction to traverse the related item definition. For example, +SPFPrimaryClassification.

    SHARED Tip You can configure multiple relationships for this ENS type using a comma separated list. For example, +SPFItemOwningGroup,+SPFOwningGroupVault. This ENS type supports edge definitions with multiple hops so that names using ENS can be derived from edge definitions. Property comparison can also be included in the edge definitions.

    • If the direction to traverse to the relationship definition destination is not specified, the name prefix defaults to +, which means the direction goes from 1 to 2.

    • If more than one object is found at the relationship definition destination, the first item in a random order is selected as the property.

  • ENS property definition UID - specifies the name of the property used for the ENS item. This is a required field.

  • ENS field length - specifies the length of the ENS item. This is a required field. If the value of the field is longer than the specified length, the value is truncated.

  • ENS pad justification - specifies the location of a pad sequence. Possible values for the Property item type are:

    • Left - pad characters are placed on the left side of the item.

    • None - no justification. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is not selected, the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number, but the value of the field is not. If ENS Unique Sequence Context is selected, then the software uses the actual value to determine the next sequence number. This is the default value.

    • Right - pad characters are placed on the right side of the item.

    • Variable - treats the ENS item as a variable length when determining the next sequence number. This means that neither the value nor the length of the field is considered when the software determines the next sequence number.

  • ENS pad character - specifies the value to pad sequences if all the spaces allotted by the ENS field length option are not used.

    When the software builds the ENS string, if there is no value for the selected property and you have selected a pad character, the resulting string is composed entirely of pad characters. If you have selected an ENS pad justification value of Left or Right but no pad character and the property does not have a property value, then this field is ignored when the software builds the ENS string.

  • ENS delimiter after - specifies the delimiter to add at the end of the item when the software builds the ENS string. This is an optional field.

  • ENS Unique Sequence Context - specifies that the sequence number used will be defined in the context of the other items in the ENS definition.

    How do you use the ENS Unique Sequence Context?

    Each ENS definition can contain ENS items that can use the Unique Sequence Context set to create multiple objects numbered in a unique sequence based on the ENS item type. The unique sequence starts from 1 and increments based on the number of objects.

    Therefore, you can create objects using an ENS definition that uses Description and Sequence as ENS items. If you set the Unique Sequence Context on the Description ENS item and create objects using the Description+Sequence ENS definition, the objects are named using the Description with a unique sequence number derived by the system.

    For example, if you create three documents with a create form using the Description+Sequence ENS definition and the Description property set as TEST-A, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-A-001

    • TEST-A-002

    • TEST-A-003

    Since Unique Sequence Context is set for the Description ENS item, changing the Description to a new unique entry resets the sequence to 1. So, if you create three documents and change the description to TEST-B, the documents are named as:

    • TEST-B-001

    • TEST-B-002

    • TEST-B-003

    However, if the Unique Sequence Context is not set on the Description property and you change the Description to TEST-C, the sequence increments to the next available number in the system. The documents are named as:

    • TEST-C-004

    • TEST-C-005

    • TEST-C-006