Configure Relationship tabs on forms - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can configure display items so that they appear as a tab in a tab control at the bottom of the Details or Update dialog boxes. Basic list view actions are allowed on the tabs. You can sort, resize, and move columns.

Relationship tabs on Details forms

On the Details dialog box, only relationships that are not already displayed on the Main Details tab of the dialog box are displayed in a relationship tab. Also, only relationships that are not already displayed on the Update tab of the dialog box are displayed in a relationship tab.

In the delivered system, relationship tabs are configured on the Details dialog box of the following administration items:

  • Access groups

  • Roles

  • Column sets

  • Menus

  • Methods

Relationship tabs on Update forms

On the Update dialog box, each relationship tab can have two buttons, Maintain Relationships and List Edit ListEditButtonUpdateRelTab. The List Edit button is only available if list editing is configured for the related item.


When the user clicks the Maintain Relationships button, the Maintain Relationships dialog box appears. On the Maintain Relationships dialog box, users can relate items to the object and remove related items. If there are any items related to the object with a link interface, users can click the Maintain Attributes button to edit the link interfaces and attributes on the link interfaces. The Apply to similar items option on the Maintain Relationships dialog box allows users to make changes to one link interface and apply the changes to all the link interfaces.

Maintain Relationships DlgBox

If list editing is configured for the related item, the List Edit button is available on the relationship tab on the Update dialog box. When the user clicks the List Edit button, the List Edit control appears. You can use the List Edit control to create and relate items to the object.


For more information about configuring list editing, see List editing. For more information about using the List Edit window, see List Edit window.

In the delivered system, relationship tabs are configured on the update dialog boxes of the following administration items:

  • Printers

  • Organizations

  • Vaults

Configure a form with Relationship tabs

To configure a Details or Update dialog box to display relationship tabs, do the following.

  1. Create a new display item on a section. This can be a separate section just for relationship tabs, or it can be an existing section with other display items.

    Alternatively, you can modify an existing relationship type display item.

  2. For the Display item type, select RelDef.

  3. Select RelationshipMaintenance from the Display Item Display Type list.

  4. Type a relationship definition in the Relationship box.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all relationship definitions you want to see on the form. A separate tab is displayed for each relationship.

  • Relationship tabs appear only on Details and Update dialog boxes. For other form purposes, the display item display type is set to the default, which is determined by the relationship cardinality.

  • If the look ahead feature is turned on, the form displays only tabs for relationships that have data. If the look ahead feature is not on, the form displays a tab for every available relationship.

  • Each tab page heading contains a DisplayAs value that is entered on the display item, and it shows a count in brackets telling the user how many items are related.

  • The content of each tab is only retrieved from the database when the tab is selected, with the exception being the first tab.

See Also

Display item types
Form builder