Using Business Intelligence - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The SmartPlant Business Intelligence software is used to create, view, and edit chart reports, providing a fast way to view your plant information. You can view and print the report results in predefined style layouts, such as bar chart or pie chart, and export the results as an image file or as a Microsoft Excel file. With the appropriate role and access permissions, you can create new chart reports and choose the setup, criteria, and filtering to fully configure the details you want to display in the report. For more information on configuring and creating a chart report as an administrator, see Configuring Business Intelligence.

  • Only users with specific role and access permissions are able to create, edit, or delete chart report definitions. Users with view only access permission can only view, print, and export predefined business intelligence reports. For any role or access changes, contact your system administrator for further information.

  • SmartPlant Business Intelligence only displays information from the create scope defined in the Desktop Client. Therefore, you can only view a report with information from one query scope.

Business Intelligence software

When you open the Business Intelligence software, it displays chart reports in two panes in the application window.

  • Reports - This pane displays any existing chart report names in a list.

  • Graphics results - This pane displays the chart report result.

The Business Intelligence software provides the following functions in chart reports:

  • Counts the total number of objects matching your query criteria, and displays the statistics on a chart report.

  • Counts the number of objects by category, or by category and series, and then displays the statistics on a chart report.

  • Grouping and series grouping definitions provide a sub-categorization of the groupings already collated by the category definition.

  • Chart reports are defined based on view definitions and their interface properties.

  • Supports drill-down operations from a chart report object.

  • Supports changing chart report style, where the style format of the results of the query are of more emphasis.

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