Master and alias tags - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Data Capture creates the relationships from the document to the master tags and the alias tags during the content discovery task. All the Data Capture readers extract the file content as xml, and if any data is extracted from the content file that matches the tag mapping pattern, a tag is created. The application looks into the Data CapturePartMapFile.xml to determine if the tag extracted from the content file is a master tag or an alias tag.

After tag extraction, tags are created as either master or alias tags. The interfaces described here are added to the tags:

  • IFDWTaggedItem – This interface is added to all tags and allows tags to be related to documents.

  • ISPFNTag – This interface displays the status of properties QualityStatus and TransferStatus.

  • ISPFNMasterTag – If it is established through the rules engine that a tag is a master tag, then the ISPFNMasterTag interface is added to the tag.

  • ISPFNChildTag – If it is established through the rules engine that the tag is an alias tag (such as P/100 instead of P100) then the ISPFNChildTag interface is added to the tag.

  • I3DRange - If a tag is in a 3D model originating from Smart 3D, then the I3DRange interface is added to the tag.

After the creation of the master and alias tags, the following relationships are created.

  • SPFNAliasedTag – This relationship is created between the master tag and the alias tag.

  • SPFNDocRevMasterTag – This relationship is created between the master tag and the document.

  • SPFNDocRevAliasTag – This relationship is created between the alias tag and the document.

  • If any attribute matches an item on a corresponding object, such as a unit, document type, project code, or discipline, then the relationships are created between these document attributes and the matching objects.

  • During the content discovery task, if an attribute on a tag represents a relationship to another object, and that object already exists in the database, a relationship is created between the tag and that object. For example, if the unit attribute on the tag is SPFNTagObjUnit and SPFNTagObjUnit exists as a functional unit in the database, then a relationship of the type SPFNUnitTag is created between the tag and the unit.

  • During the content discovery task, the document attribute value is set as the master tag part, if the corresponding tag naming system is associated with the document attribute.

  • You can drag one or more selected master tags onto a document to create a relationship between the tag and the document.

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