Overnight scheduler task to generate review plan items - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

  • Only the completed submittals and the related Master Document Registers that have review plans are processed by the scheduler task.

  • The review plan items are not generated for a document if:

    • The planned date is not set on the document milestone for an issue purpose.

    • The document is submitted without a planned revision.

  • You can right-click the failed child scheduler task and click Retry to run that task or wait for the overnight scheduler to run that task.

    • If the task fails, another child scheduler task with the same name is created, and a failure message and the start date are displayed in the Query Schedule Tasks window.

    • If the task completes successfully, this child scheduler task and any other existing failed child scheduler tasks with the same name for the active plant or project are deleted.

The parent scheduler task, SCLBGenerateRPIForAllMDROvernightSchedulerTask creates a child scheduler task (SCLBGenerateRPIForAllMDROvernightSchedulerTask_[plant name or project name]) for each active plant or project. The child scheduler task generates review plan items overnight for updated documents, documents in which the tags are updated, and updated review rules.

SCLBOvernightSchedulerConfig is configured on the ISCLBGenerateRPIForAllMDRTask interface and retrieved on the ISCLBGenerateRPIForAllMDRChildTask interface.

When the child scheduler task completes successfully, it is deleted.

Syntax: SCLBOvernightSchedulerConfig=”Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4”

Arguments: Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Arg4

Example of an overnight scheduler task: SCLBOvernightSchedulerConfig="PCC_MDR_Submittal,5,CreationDate,e1XmtlIssueStateCOMPLETED"


Arg1: UID of the classification of the submittal.

For more than one classification, use vertical bars to separate the UIDs. For example, SCLBOvernightSchedulerConfig="PCC_MDR_Submittal|PCC_MDR/MTR_Submittal,3,CreationDate,e1XmtlIssueStateISSUED"

Arg2: Duration of days to run rules against a submittal. This argument tests whether the current date is less than the creation date plus the duration. Once outside the duration days, the submittal will not be processed until it is updated again.

Arg3: Property to test on the submittal to see when it is completed.

Arg4: Indicates the valid submittal issue state. Any submittal not in this state will be ignored for processing.