Indexing - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can index most of the objects in your system using FTR in the Desktop Client. The interface ISPFFTRItem is defined for indexing. All the class definitions for objects you want to index must instantiate this interface. Indexing is supported at the property level also. Properties have an FTRIndicator flag. This flag is False by default. Set the FTRIndicator to True for all the properties you want to index.

Because an object is changed with OnCreated, OnUpdated, and OnDeleted, FTR Indexing is done after each of these method definitions, if the class definition is configured for FTR.

A scheduled task is created (at the end of the above listed method definitions) for FTR indexing.

  • The scheduler picks up the task and delegates it to the FTR processor for indexing.

  • The properties configured for FTR are indexed along with the domain UID.

  • In the above operations, if the object has files attached, the file content is also indexed as a scheduled task.

It is not possible to configure the events to index the objects. Once the classes have been set for FTR (that is, SPFFTREnabled is set to True on ISPFClassDefExt), then indexing takes place during OnCreate(), OnUpdate(), and OnDelete().

Types of tasks

There are two types of FTR scheduler tasks in the system:

Task priority

The system prioritizes the task execution order: first selective indexing, then regular indexing.

FTR scheduler

A dedicated scheduler for FTR scheduler tasks is delivered with the Desktop Client. This scheduler searches only for FTR tasks.

When the FTR scheduler polls for FTR scheduler tasks and a selective indexing task is found, it is processed first. After all the selective indexing tasks are processed, the FTR scheduler searches for regular indexing tasks. If any objects for regular indexing are found, they are processed first.

Only 15 objects are processed at a time.