Enter equipment numbers - CADWorx - Help

CADWorx Datasheets

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  1. To enter data into the equipment list table grid, do one of the following:

    • Click the tab that corresponds to the equipment type for which you want to enter data, click a cell in the table, and then type the necessary data. In the example below, the Pumps tab is selected.

    • Click Import to import data from a valid CADWorx P&ID database into the table grid.

  2. After the data is entered, click Save to write the new data to the active project database.

  • You must define a value for EquipNo. All other properties are optional.

  • You cannot update the equipment number and a document number that appears in the PID, Loop Dwg, Requisition, Purchase Order, or Datasheet cells simultaneously. You must first modify the tag, save it, and then modify the document number.

  • When creating an equipment number, you cannot associate a document number to it. You must first create the equipment number, save it, and then associate the document to it.

  • The Datasheet, PID, PFD, Requisition, and Purchase Order cells contain lists that display reference documents. Only those reference documents that have been added to the All Documents table appear in these lists. For more information, see Reference Documents.