Introduction - CADWorx - Administration & Configuration

CADWorx Internet Publisher

Internet Publisher
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Administration & Configuration
CADWorx Version

CADWorx Internet Publisher (IP) publishes a CADWorx P&ID project to an organized group of static HTML pages. Drawings, along with associated hyperlinks, are published as DWF (drawing web format) files. These static HTML pages can be uploaded to a web site, placed on an area network, or copied to a CD-ROM. CADWorx IP is a useful tool for sharing information and collaborating.

  • Only CADWorx P&ID with external databases can be published using CADWorx IP.

  • CADWorx IP can publish to Autodesk DWF Viewer (formerly Autodesk Express Viewer). This is a free tool from Autodesk used to view and print DWF files. To use CADWorx IP, you must install DWF Viewer on your local computer.

Supported browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • Mozilla Firefox versions 12.0 - 56.0

The documentation delivered with CADWorx Internet Publisher provides complete information for using the software.

Provides detailed information for contacting and working with Technical Support. Contact Technical Support with any questions/comments you have regarding the software.

Provides descriptions for using each page of the wizard.