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Mouse Icon CADWorxP&ID tab: Valves > Sort

Keyboard Command line: PIDSORT

Sorts valves according to their location on a specific process line. When process lines are linked in several drawing files, this command sorts valves based on the process line linking information in the database. This command displays the Valve Order Manager dialog box.

Valve Order Manager Dialog Box

Specifies the order of valves on a process line.

P&ID Valve Order Manager

Process Line TAG

Specifies a process line. Process line tags from all drawings in the project appear in the list. Select the needed value. The corresponding value in Process Line ID_Count List is also selected.

Process Line ID_Count List

Specifies a process line ID count. ID counts from the all drawings in the project appear in the list. Select the needed value. The corresponding value in Process Line TAG is also selected.

Database grid

Displays all values for the selected process line. Because the selected process line may connect several drawing files in the project, valves in different drawing files may display.

Double click a row to open the drawing for the row. All valves on the selected process line are marked with the sequence number before sorting, and with the order number after sorting.

From Right to Left

Specifies the sort order as right to left. When cleared, the sort order is left to right.

From Bottom to Top

Specifies the sort order as bottom to top. When cleared, the sort order is top to bottom.

Order by DWG and (X, Y)

Sorts valves by X coordinate and then by Y coordinate. Select From Right to Left if needed. The order number can also be changed manually.

Order by DWG and (Y, X)

Sorts valves by Y coordinate and then by X coordinate. Select From Button to Top if needed. The order number can also be changed manually.

Order by Number

Sorts the valves based on the values of the Number column of the database grid. The order number can also be changed manually.

Select Process Line

Specifies one or more process lines in the currently-open drawing. Select the needed process lines.

Update DWG

Updates drawings in the database with the values in the Order Number column.

The database column CW_RES_03_ stores the coordinate information.

Update All Valve Data

Updates the LINE_ID_1_ column of the valve table for each drawing in the project when a valve is on a process line by geometry intersection.