Adjustable Bend - CADWorx - Help

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Mouse Icon Buttweld toolbar: Adjustable Bend

Keyboard Command line: BENT

Places a pipe bend based on the selected method: Enter radius, Trimmed elbow, or Select arc.

Enter radius

Places a pipe bend by typing a radius, and then selecting the bend center, start, and end points in a counterclockwise direction. This is the most common type of adjustable bend.

  • Degree

Defines the total angle of the bend from the start point. For example, if the start point is at 91°, and the value for Degree is 180°, the end point is at 271° and the total angle of the bend is 180°.

  • Angle

Defines the angle of the bend as the value minus the angle defined by the start point from the positive X-axis. For example, if the start point is at 91°, and the value for Angle is 180°, the end point is at 180° and the angle of the bend is 79°.

  • Tangent length

Defines straight lengths of pipe at each end of the bend. This is frequently required for machine bending. You can type a value of 0.

Trimmed elbow

Places an elbow by selecting the center of the bend arc, the start point, and the end point.

  • Short radius

Defines a short radius elbow according to the current specification.

  • Long radius

Defines a long radius elbow according to the current specification.

Select arc

Places a pipe bend on an arc created with an arc command. For more information, see Arcs in the CAD platform help.

  • Tangent length

Defines straight lengths of pipe at each end of the bend. This is frequently required for machine bending. You can type a value of 0.