Structural Plate Grip Modifications - CADWorx - Help

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You can create many different shapes using structural plates. These shapes can contain square grips, plus grips, or both. The plus grip on a structural plate increases or decreases the plate size from that point. The square grip adjusts the plate size to the specified value.

Plus grips on basic 4-sided shaped plate

Plus grips on structural plate

Click a plus grip, and then drag the plus grip away from the original point to adjust the plate. If you type 2' on the command line, the software adds two feet to the plate.

Plate adjust structural

Dimension off plate

added feet to struc plate

Click a plus grip and drag the mouse toward the center of the plate, and then type 10". The software subtracts ten inches from the plate.

Plate adjust structural

smaller plate adjust

resized plate struc

You can also adjust odd shaped plates, such as a triangle. If you use the plus grip to adjust a side of a triangle shape, the side of the shape extends and adjusts the sides of the triangle, but leaves the other point fixed. If you adjust the triangle by two feet, the software adjusts the sides of the plate by extending the selected side two feet from the original location.

Triangle shape adjust

Adjust side of trianalge plate

Lengthened Triangle Struct Plate

Curved structural plate grips

Curved plate adjustments

Curved plates contain plus grips and square grips. The square grips adjust the size of the plate based on the value entered. For example, enter 2' to create a two foot plate.

Square grip adjust curved plate

distance adjust curved plate

Adjusted height curved plate

Type 5" to create five inch plate.

adjusted cureved plate smaller

Use the plus grip to add the input value to the overall size of the plate. For example, type 2' and the software adds two feet to the size of the plate. Therefore, the five inch plate becomes a 2'-5" plate.

Plus grip on cuverd plate

Adjust curved plate from plus grip

Adjusted distance by plus grip