Block Operations Toolbar - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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The Block Operations toolbar, which you can access from the Classic Piping Input dialog box or the 3D model, contains the following functions. For more information, see Performing Block Operations.

Block Operations Rotate icon

Rotate - Rotates elements defined in the block. For more information, see Rotate.

Block Operations Duplicate icon

Duplicate - Duplicates elements in a block. For more information, see Duplicate.

Block Operations Delete icon

Delete - Deletes the selected block of elements.

Block Operations Renumber icon

Renumber - Rearranges the node numbers in the block. For more information, see Nodes.

Invert Icon

Invert - Assigns new From Node and To Node values to the selected block of elements. The Invert command reverses the order of the elements in the selected group as well as the node numbering while preserving the geometry of the input model.

Contiguous segments (sets of elements) may be selected in either the Elements dialog box, the 3D Graphics pane, or the Line Numbers dialog box.

For more information, see Invert.

Change Sequence - Changes or rearranges the sequence (order) of elements while preserving the geometry. For more information, see Change Sequence.