Set Regen Factor

CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review Installation and Help

CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review
Smart Review Version

Accessories > CloudWorx > Set Regen Factor.

Sets a virtual viewport size factor for point cloud regeneration. When the factor is 1 (by default), CloudWorx loads and regenerates only the cloud points required to display in the viewport. If you pan or zoom out of that view, you can use Regenerate Point Clouds to load more points to fill the newly-exposed area of the viewport.

By setting this factor larger than 1, the effective viewport for cloud regeneration gets larger to load more points over more area, and reduce the amount of regeneration for panning or zooming operations. For example, a factor of 3 makes the virtual viewport three times the size of the actual viewport, centered on the actual viewport. However, because a larger factor can load more points, more memory can be required for larger values. If the required number of points exceeds the loading limit, CloudWorx must reduce the detail. As a result, you might see sparser points than expected.

  • If Set Regen Factor is used when no ModelSpace view is open, the factor is saved as the most recently-used setting.

  • If Set Regen Factor is used when a ModelSpace view is open, the factor is saved to the .dwg file.

  • Set Load Max limits the maximum allowed number of points to be loaded. For more information, see Set Load Limit.