Understanding the Asset Discovery System Wide Settings - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3 - Administration & Configuration - Intergraph

DOC4000 Administration Guide

Honeywell DOC4000
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The Asset Discovery system wide settings allow you to configure how DOC4000 handles assets added to or removed from the network. These settings are defined as follows:

Remediation Action for Added

Specifies the workflow definition to use to automatically create a case when a new asset is discovered on the network. You can select a different workflow for each remediation condition to customize the process for your specific needs.

Remediation Action for Missing

Specifies the workflow definition to use to automatically create a case when a previously discovered asset has been removed from the network. You can select a different workflow for each remediation condition to customize the process for your specific needs.

Remediation Action for Transient

Specifies the workflow definition to use to automatically create a case when an asset is discovered on the network, then removed, and then discovered again. This condition is identified as transient on the network. You can select a different workflow for each remediation condition to customize the process for your specific needs.

Remediation Location

Specifies the location to set in the workflow case created when as asset is added, missing, or transient. This setting works with the Remediation Action settings to correctly create the workflow case. The Remediation Location allows you to notify the correct set of users, specific to a location within the asset hierarchy, through the workflow case. The email notification includes a link to the case that was automatically initiated. The default value is blank.

Notify Users

Specifies one or more email addresses to notify when an asset is added, removed, or identified as transient on the network. The first email address you specify is the owner for the workflow case. Use a comma as the delimiter between two email addresses. The default value is blank.

IP/MAC Address Properties

Specifies property names to associate with IP addresses or MAC addresses. The matching of MAC address and IP address within asset discovery is done using a specific format. In most cases, DOC4000 can discover assets with no issue. In some cases, however, DOC4000 may not be able to make a match. For those cases, you can configure DOC4000 to look at different property name formats. This configuration setting indicates what to look for to match the MAC address and IP address with what DOC4000 finds in the system. For more information, see Improving IP Address and MAC Address Identification.

Devices - DOC4000 Asset References

Specifies the known DOC4000 asset names associated with each network device identified on the network. Assets that are discovered across multiple network segments may share the same IP address, which can create false matches. This system wide setting allows you to resolve this issue by mapping DOC4000 assets to a known network device by name. For more information, see Mapping Known Network Devices and DOC4000 Data Owners.