Understanding Schedules for Data Forwarding and Receiving - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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When you configure data forwarding, DOC4000 creates an export schedule with a name that matches the data group on the source DOC4000 installation. This schedule is disabled by default to allow you to set the frequency and start time to meet your needs before you enable the schedule. For example, if you have inventory imports that run on a regular schedule, you might want to set the data forwarding schedule to run after those imports complete. This flexibility allows you to meet your specific needs and transport the files to the destination together or separately.

When you configure data receiving, DOC4000 creates an import schedule named with the configured data receiving names on the destination DOC4000 installation. This schedule is disabled by default to allow you to set the frequency and start time to meet your needs before you enable the schedule. These schedules allow you to import the forwarded data files as you need. In most cases, you should need a single data receiving schedule to import data from separate sites or plants. In a few cases, you might have multiple schedules to accommodate importing data that is collected a different intervals. If you have more than one schedule for data receiving, make sure to allow enough time for each schedule to complete.