Add Property Command (Edit Menu) - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 2019 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Data Dictionary Manager Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)
Smart Engineering Manager Version
10 (2019)

Opens the Add Property dialog, which allows you to add new properties to database tables.

We recommend using ASCII characters for internal names of added properties. When using the Data Dictionary Manager to add a new property, you must enter an internal name and a display name. It is possible to enter non-ASCII characters for both the internal name and the display name. (For example, on a Japanese client computer, it is possible to enter Japanese characters for these two names.) This works fine as long as the plant database is always accessed from client computers that are setup with the same locale. However, if the plant database is accessed from a client computer with a different locale setting, a failure might occur. (For example, using a client computer that is setup for American English to open a drawing in a plant that has had a Japanese property added will fail.) To avoid this potential failure, we recommend that all internal names for properties added through the Data Dictionary Manager are always entered using ASCII characters.

A property name cannot contain any of the following characters: ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = + { } [ ] | \ ; : ' / ? > . , < @.

See Also

Modify Item Type Properties

Format Manager Command (Tools Menu)

Add an Entry to a Select List