Activity dispatch scheduling - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EAM System Overview

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

Through the Optimized Scheduler screen, the constraint optimizer allocates work activities for dispatch to crews and individuals in the field. The tool generates an optimal work order activity sequence based on resource and activity constraints such as work and labor qualifications, calculated priority of work order activities, and travel distances.

This scheduling capability helps back-office management meet the challenges of dispatch planning, while ensuring workers in the field spend more time on priority activities rather than driving between locations.

The scheduler assigns qualified crews or employees to work order activities and optimizes the order of assignments to ensure that priority activities come first, and that travel distance is minimized and within the crew's shift time frame. To determine these assignments, the scheduler matches crews or employees to activities based on required qualifications and number of people.

The scheduler evaluates various combinations of these assignments and arrangements to determine the best schedule solution.

The best schedule solution is returned to EAM and assigned crews are entered as dispatch labor records for the appropriate activities. In addition, the scheduler provides a list of activities that could not be scheduled due to the inability to satisfy the day's constraints.

Uncompleted activities can be re-prioritized and scheduled for completion the next day.