Inspection management - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EAM System Overview

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

The inspection management module coordinates with the work management and asset management modules to give you more control over planned PM functions within your organization. EAM inspection management simplifies the formation of inspection routes, the specific measurement points on each asset, the aspects to be measured, and the collation of results. Inspections then link with the asset management and work management modules for the listing and creation of work orders.

As physical assets become more complex, and resources become scarcer, new types of maintenance work are required to ensure that these assets continue to perform their intended function. Inspection, sometimes called detective maintenance, verifies the efficient performance of a physical asset’s individual functions, especially those functions that cannot be observed during normal operation (e.g., motor vibration or oil viscosity). Predictive maintenance uses condition- monitoring techniques to measure certain inspection aspects of an asset (e.g., oil viscosity or wall thickness), which give insight into its physical condition and health. Inspections and predictive maintenance are important ways to ensure that assets meet safety, quality, environmental integrity, and performance requirements. At a typical site, the multitude of physical assets and the variety of failure modes and condition-monitoring techniques provide a significant challenge to the efficient implementation of an inspection management program.

The inspection management module supports the use of repairable spares by offering an inspection route template capability that matches currently installed assets with the specific inspection criteria for their asset category and class (e.g., pump, bus, bridge, etc.). This capability uses the asset structure to select the currently installed assets that match the asset category and class of the template. EAM then dynamically creates the inspection route.

Module features

Module feature

Description of feature

Inspection planning and organization

The inspection management module records data on a physical asset’s current condition and helps forecast its future condition. This module creates inspection routes, identifies measurement points, defines inspection aspects, and records results. EAM automatically analyzes the inspection results and then generates a work order covering the appropriate corrective action if an inspection generates a result outside critical values. Additionally, if inspection results show a trend towards a breach of the tolerance limits prior to the next scheduled inspection, an intermediate inspection will be automatically recommended. EAM also forecasts the date when the tolerance and critical values are likely to be reached.

With the inspection management module, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Schedule calendar or meter-based inspections

  • Schedule inspections based on certain conditions

  • Create inspection route templates for asset categories and classes

  • Copy inspection points from one piece of equipment to another

  • Coordinate inspection routes according to route codes, route description, and asset selection based on asset structure

  • Include all types of equipment on inspection routes

  • Incorporate ad hoc inspection capability

  • Monitor assets in the field for user-defined measurements that require constant, repetitive logging

  • Associate custom attributes, documents, and text with inspection results

  • Calculate the percentage of remaining life and the retirement date of equipment

Risk-based inspection

Risk-based inspection (RBI) helps you determine the next inspection date of a piece of equipment using percent of remaining life, potential risk of problems, and how critical the equipment is to operations. With RBI, older and more critical equipment items are inspected at increasingly frequent intervals, decreasing the likelihood of unforeseen equipment failure.

Inspection point scheduling

Schedule inspection points according to the following parameters:

  • Condition requirement, such as safety measures and accuracy

  • Grouping of similar points to facilitate data entry

  • Aspect definition, such as wall thickness, temperature, pressure, and viscosity

  • Time-based dependence of aspects (increasing, decreasing, irregular)

Inspection point classification and results

Classify inspection points to execute more detailed inspections. For example, inspection points can include minimum and maximum values, nominal values, tolerances, and default actions for out-of-measurement boundaries, preventive maintenance actions when a minimum and maximum value is recorded and detailed instructions.

Inspections can include validation of data input; regression analysis of the last two measurements; regression analysis of all results since last discontinuity; worst-case scenario created from valid, invalid, or discontinuity results; and ad hoc routes based on results (condition-based inspection).

Inspection checklists

Inspection checklist allows you to record and acknowledge completion of individual steps on a single task instruction on a work order activity. The checklist is associated and driven by the Work Order Task. You may record qualitative and quantitative results, including the inspection point’s tolerance, formula, and range validations.