Reliability, planning, and analysis - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EAM System Overview

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

EAM supports the reliability engineer with the planning and analysis functions to better understand equipment reliability. By determining the reliability index for equipment or by recording the results of an RCM study the engineer can identify equipment risk in a concise and consistent manner. On the analysis side EAM automatically performs reliability calculations making it much easier to determine reliability and reliability trends of equipment based on the work order history.

Module features

Module feature


Reliability ranking

Create one or more reliability ranking codes. Each code has an associated reliability decision tree, which offers up to 4 hierarchical levels. The lowest level in the tree is the so-called question level. Each question can be associated with a set of user-defined answers, i.e., multiple-choice. All answers are associated to a numerical value, which is used in the user defined formulas that are associated to the different levels of the tree. The outcome of the formula is obviously a numerical value. This value in turn rolls up to the formula on the higher level in the tree, either directly (formula outcome as calculated) or via a translation from outcome ranges to a specific numerical value. On the highest level in the tree this results in the reliability ranking score. This numerical score is also translated into a reliability ranking index. Ranges of reliability ranking scores can be associated to a reliability ranking index.

Reliability survey

The assets, positions and systems screens have a reliability ranking details on the record view where you can select the applicable reliability ranking code. In this section the current score and reliability ranking index are also displayed.

On the Reliability Survey tab, on all three screens, you can answer the questions associated to the selected reliability ranking code and determine the reliability ranking score and index for the equipment.

Batch update survey

Rather than applying the survey to a single equipment record, on this screen you can enter the survey and apply it to multiple selected equipment records at once.

RCM study

The assets, positions, systems, and locations screens have an RCM details section that lets you select the type of RCM study you want to do and the resulting risk level. On the RCM tab, on all four screens, you can enter functions, failure modes, functional failures and consequences that together determine the risk level of the equipment.

Reliability calculations

Everyday all completed work orders are automatically analyzed and reliability numbers are calculated for the associated assets and positions based on the individual work order history. The results are stored in the historical reliability table which is used for a variety of reports. The following reliability numbers are calculated:

  • MTBF

  • Minimum number of days between events

  • Maximum number of days between events

  • Standard Deviation

  • Last slope (linear regression) through the last two events

  • Average slope (linear regression)

  • Laplace time series analysis

  • Weibull probability distribution

  • Crow-AMSAA