Enhancements - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

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Release Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version

Root cause analysis

Several new features for root cause analysis are available in this update. A new pop-up and several new tabs were added. Use the Map RCM Data pop-up on the Corrective Action tab to determine how to apply failure mode data of a case to the RCM tab of select equipment or RCM template.

The Root Causes tab supports the ability to specify more than one root cause per case as needed.

Use the Failure Modes tab to enter all required data on one record, or to use the import utility to import the data.

The Failure Mitigation tab supports defining mitigation strategies for failure modes of a case.

On the Corrective Action tab, add case-related data from the Root Causes and Failure Modes tabs to the RCM tab of the selected equipment, or RCM template.

Role Setup screen features enhanced

The screen now supports the ability to select only the Mobile check box for a role record without the requirement to also select either the HxGN EAM or Requestor check boxes at the same time.

New organization option supports checklist process

The CHCKLFUP option generates follow-up work orders and deferred maintenance activities at different status points throughout the checklist process.

Equipment Overview 360

A new widget was added for the Equipment Overview 360 screen. The widget supports running Cognos HTML reports on the Equipment Overview 360 screen.