SOAP Writer - EcoSys - 4.0 - Help - Hexagon

EcoSys Connect Help- For Smart Cloud Users (4.0)

EcoSys Connect
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  1. In the Basic section, you can define the service, SOAP operation, and the response.

    • Name – Specifies a name.

    • Connector – Defines the type of service to use

    • Operation Name – Defines the SOAP operation

  2. In the Advanced section, you can define the following parameters,

    • Response Root Path – Informs Connect from where to start writing the data from the Response.

    • Connection Time out Overrides the Agents default set by step Executor.soap.connectionTimeout.second in the agent configuration file.

    • Batch Size- Used for performance/stability when dealing with large data sets. By default, batching is not enabled.

      The results of the Writes will be combined into one result that gets passed to the following processors.


      Assume an incoming entity set has 10,000 rows. With no batching, a SOAP processor would create a single API call and with all 10,000 rows to EcoSys, the response would be 10,000 rows.

      If the Batch size is set to 5,000, the write is split into two API calls of 5,000 each. Each call would return 5,000 rows which would be combined so that the entity set passed to the next processor would have 10,000 rows.