The Join processor is used to combine the entity sets returned from two SOAP calls. When you add the processor, it allows for a single nested Reader to be added to it. You must first add a reader and configure it and then configure the settings for P6 Join Processor.
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Enter the following parameters in the Basic section:
Input Key Attributes – The key in the previous step entity set that is used to join the data.
Reader Key Attributes – The key in the SOAP readers entity set that is used to join the data.
For example,
Input Key Attributes = objectId
Reader Key Attributes = foreignObjectId
Previous Step entity set
Object ID |
Name |
1 |
Project 1 |
2 |
Project 2 |
Reader Entity Set
ForeignObjectId |
Location |
1 |
NY |
2 |
CA |
Result Entity Set
Object ID |
ForeignObjectId |
Name |
Location |
1 |
1 |
Project 1 |
NY |
2 |
2 |
Project 2 |
CA |
2. Enter the following values in Advanced section (Optional).
Reader Selects – Selects the fields to be added from the reader during the Join and allows assigning of an alias.
Left Join? – If checked, any row from the previous step that has no matching value from the Reader is kept in the entity set.
If the Reader Selects is only set to location with an alias of ProjectLocation and Left Join is checked, the result entity set would be as follows,
Previous Step Entity Set
Object ID |
Name |
1 |
Project 1 |
2 |
Project 2 |
3 |
Project 3 |
Reader Entity Set
ForeignObjectId |
Location |
1 |
NY |
2 |
CA |
Result Entity Set
Object ID |
Name |
ProjectLocation |
1 |
Project 1 |
NY |
2 |
Project 2 |
CA |
3 |
Project 3 |
If Left Join? is not selected, the third row would not be in the result set.