Create a Job - EcoSys - 2.0 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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Jobs are unique by name and can be scheduled to run automatically. You can create a new job or edit the existing jobs.

To add or create a new job:

  1. Click Job Management icon.

  2. Click thesymbol at the top right corner to add a new job.

  3. In the General tab, enter the job Name, Description and Notes.

  4. Select the options below based on the requirement:

    • Enable Scheduling – Select this option if you want the job to be scheduled

    • Deactivate Schedule on Failure – This option disables the schedule if a scheduled Job fails.

    • No Concurrent Execution – If this option is enabled while the job is currently running, and when you try to start the job again, the following cases occur:

      • If you start the job from Connect UI, the Start button is disabled.

      • If you start a job from an EcoSys Action, the action fails and Connect will not show the execution history for it.

      • If a job schedule is initiated and the job is already running, it will not be executed. The job runs based on the schedule settings.

    • Enable Resend – This option provides the ability to track and resend the failed rows for next job execution. The following two types of failures can occur in Connect:

      • Row Level Failures – This is unique for EcoSys APIs, where multiple records are sent in one request and EcoSys provides row level success/failure.

        For example, a create Cost Object API request sends 10 rows, 9 succeeds and 1 fail due to an already existing Cost Object.

      • Message Level Failures – This occurs when the entire message fails.

        For example, requests to write Data to EcoSys, P6, or SQL statements that have syntax errors or a network error (Service is not available).

        To enable the job to resend failed rows, you must select the option Enable Resend on the Job’s General tab and change the following configuration settings within the readers, processors, and writers.

        When you add a processor or writer, do the following under the Advanced section.

    1. Set the Input Entity ID Attribute Name to a field from the previous step output. This will be used to identify records in the ‘save point’ vs new records for the current run.

    2. Select Enable the Writing Operation? check box to enable resends of failed writes.

    3. Select Enable Row Level Result? check box to enable row level results. EcoSys API’s are the only webservice that supports this feature..

    4. Enable row level resends under Statistics section of the Processor or Writer.To enable Row Level Resends,

      1. Set the Status Root Path

      2. Set the Status Success Condition or Status Failure Condition to an expression that determine how the row failed

      3. Set the Status Failure Entity ID Attribute to an entity in the output of the operation that determines the rows uniqueness.

        Optional settings

      • Enter the value in Status Failure Entity Message Attribute field to provide ERROR level messages to the Job execution containing the row that failed.

      • Select Statistics Enabled? check box to get success/failure/resent counts in the job execution history panel.

    • Reset Previous Savepoints – When you select this option, all the save points for the job are dropped and the job gets executed. The data or failures are then stored as new save points. The Reset Previous Save points check box is automatically enabled so that the next execution will use the new save points to resend any failures.

      • Save points are unique to the job structure and job name. For example, when you change the name or modify the order of a processor in a job when Enable Resend option is enabled, all the save points will be deleted.

      • Save points are unique based on Job Execution and job parameters. For example, running a job that has a Project parameter as Project 1 will have different set of save points compared to the same job that runs with project parameter Project 2.

  5. Select the agent from Agents list. It defines the logical agent you want the job to run on. For more information on creating agents, see Create Agents. (see Create Agents)

  6. Click SAVE.

    • Job Status – Displays the list of jobs that are created along with the status.

    • Next Executions – Displays the list of job that are scheduled for execution.

    • History – Displays the history of the job.

      On the topic right corner:

    • Click Export Jobs to export jobs

    • Click Import Jobs to import jobs

    • Click Refresh to refresh the screen

    • Click + to add a new job.

    • Click Copy Job to copy a single job. Select a row and click the Copy button. A duplicate job will be created and will appended with - #.

    • Click Edit to edit the job

    • Click – Delete to delete a job