Installation - EcoSys - Help

EcoSys Functional Automation Framework

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EcoSys Version


You must install the framework on a standalone machine and it must represent your client environment. The version of the automation framework used must match the EcoSys version.

The machine must contain the following:

  • Windows OS- The framework only supports Windows Operating Systems.

  • JRE 1.8 or above- The framework supports Oracle or OpenJDK

  • Excel- Used to modify the scripts

The framework does not require Excel to execute. Excel is used for modifying scripts and baselines. Files could be modified on a different machine and copied to the machine hosting the automation framework for execution.

Installation Steps

  1. Install JAVA 1.8 or above. Ensure that JAVA is on the path.

  2. Copy the file to the root of your C:\ drive

  3. Unzip the file to c:\. drive This will create a folder EcoSysAutomationFramework

    The framework must be installed in the c:\ EcoSysAutomationFramework directory.

  4. Go to c:\EcoSysAutomationFramework\Datasheet directory and open the excel file FrameworkInputSheet.xlsx

  5. For the test you want to execute, modify the Server URL to point to your EcoSys instance.

  6. Edit the User column to specify the default user you want the scripts to login with.

  7. Currently the framework assumes that the user passwords are ‘ecosys34’

    SHARED Tip You can override the assumed password in your test script login step.

  8. Edit the database and ServerName columns– This is only for reporting purposes.

  9. Edit the BatchFileDownloadPath – All report batches will download files to this path and must be remotely accessible by EcoSys instance and the automation framework machine.

    SHARED Tip Best practice is to make this a network share or a shared folder on the EcoSys Application Server.

    The other columns must not be modified as they define where the files are stored by the framework.

  10. Add the server setting mode.spreadsheettesting=true to your EcoSys Server(s) and restart the Application Server.

    This must be turned on only for automated testing and must be turned off in production. This adds additional Metadata in the EcoSys spreadsheets that is not visible on screen. The metadata is accessed by the automation to determine if a spreadsheet cell is a lookup, supports type ahead or is a regular cell for input.