Scripting Best Practices - EcoSys - Help

EcoSys Functional Automation Framework

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Automated scripts need to be repeatable.

  • Script must start from a known state and any data created/modified during a test run must be ‘reset’. This could be done through:

    • Having a database backup that is restored between test runs

    • Using Re-organization or actions that delete or reset projects to a state. These steps could be automated as part of the script.

  • Generated data must be static

    • Project or other IDs that are dynamically generated and continue to increase for each run cannot be handled within the automation framework. It is best to either use the DB restore process mentioned above or modify the configuration for test to have a static ID.

  • Spreadsheet verification is time consuming

    • The verification keyword VerifySpreadsheetdatawithBaseline verifies every cell in the spreadsheet against a baseline file. This is a time-consuming operation as the automation needs to traverse the spreadsheet cell by cell and for each cell and read the data while doing the same for the xlsx spreadsheet.

It is recommended to limit the # of rows/columns when using this spreadsheet if time is a concern.

If the goal is data validation on the spreadsheet, exporting the spreadsheet to and then using the keyword VerifyReportdatawithBaseline is a better method.