Example Drivers and URLs - EcoSys - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

EcoSys Gateway Web Service API Client

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Customization & Programming
EcoSys Version

You must include your specific JDBC driver .jar file in the same folder as gateway.jar. The JDBC driver .jar files are located in your EcoSys application server's library folders, batch/lib, or downloaded from the respective vendors.

By default, EcoSys will recognize "ojdbc6.jar" and "sqljdbc4.jar". If you are using a JDBC driver other than one of those listed, you must rename the driver file as "driver.jar", and place it in the same folder as the gateway.jar file.

The following are commonly used examples of JDBC driver class names and URL formats:

  • Oracle

    The configuration properties for Oracle are:

    driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    connectUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:@myDbServer:1521:ESFM

    Typical JDBC Driver Library Required  (Choose one)


  • SQL Server

    The configuration properties for SQL Server are:

    driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

    connectUrl = jdbc:sqlserver://myDbServer:1433;database=esfm

    Typical JDBC Driver Library Required  (Choose one)

    sqljdbc4.jar (for SQL Server 2012)

For more information on compatibility, see Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Support Matrix.