Establish and Update Opportunity Structure Manually - EcoSys - 3.01 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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This procedure allows you to manually add the opportunity structure line items. While adding new rows, do not select Insert or Insert Multiple options, as this would not associate the opportunity structure with the selected opportunity. To setup the opportunity structure correctly always select Insert Under or Insert Under Multiple option under Rows.

  1. Click the Opportunity Structure tab.

  2. Click the Opportunity ellipsis to select the required opportunity.

  3. Click the Structure tab.

  4. Click the Rows list and select Insert Under. This creates a new row under the selected line item.

    Do not choose Insert or Insert Multiple. If these options are utilized, the structure will not be added as part of the opportunity unless the parent path ID is also specified.

    The Insert Under places the opportunity structure below the selected line item. If the Insert Row icon is used, the structure line is placed at the same level as the selected line item. Hence it is recommended to use Insert Under.

  5. Type a unique ID.

  6. Type the required opportunity structure line item Name.

  7. Click the Type ellipsis to select the required opportunity structure type. The available project structure types are listed below:

    • Control Account

    • Planning Package

    • Summary Level Planning Package

    • WBS

    • Work Package

  8. Click the Parent Path ID ellipsis to select the required project structure.

  9. Click Save icon. The Status and Structure Type auto-populate.