Export Cost Object (WBS) - EcoSys - Help - Hexagon

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Export project structure and attributes from EcoSys to SAP.

Main inputs

  • One or both of:

    • List of cost objects to import (EcoSys root cost object external IDs).

    • List of cost object category values to import (matching root cost objects are included).

  • Default settings to apply to new WBS elements in SAP:

    • Planning element (flag)

    • Account assignment (flag)

    • Company Code

    • Controlling Area

    • Business Area

    • Calendar

    • Plant

    • Profit Center

    • Tax Jurisdiction

    • Responsible Cost Center

    • Requesting Cost Center

  • You can provide requesting and responsible cost center values in multiple ways: custom fields, operation .xml configuration file, or from the root WBS. If all three are provided, preference is always given to the value provided using custom fields. If the value is not provided using a custom field, then the system tries to get the value from root WBS. If the system does not find any value there, it checks if any value was provided form the .xml configuration file.

  • MRP Controller is a required field for creating Networks. You can provide the value using the configuration .xml file attribute mrpController or the MRP Controller custom field. If you provide the value for MRP Controller using the configuration attribute and a custom field, the system uses the value of the custom field. If the value is provided only in the configuration .xml file, the same value is used for all the Networks being exported. Also, make sure that the value for MRP Controller being provided is applicable for the plant being used. Otherwise, the system returns an error.

  • Control Key is a required field for creating Network Activity. You can provide the value using the configuration .xml file attribute ontrolKey" or the category SAP Control Key. If you provide the value for Control Key using the configuration attribute and a custom field, the value of category is used. If the value is provided only in the configuration .xml file , the same value is used for all the Network Activities being exported.

Optional inputs

  • Update WBS Status Codes (list of WBS status codes in EcoSys that should be applied to WBS elements in SAP). Any WBS status codes in EcoSys that are not specified in this list do not affect the status in SAP. This is used to control which business process steps are carried over from EcoSys to SAP.

  • You must configure the key mappings as follows for export:

    • Root cost object ID in EcoSys must match project ID in SAP.

    • The root cost object in EcoSys maps to the root WBS element in SAP by its external cost object id. Multi-root WBS structures in SAP are not supported.

    • For child cost objects in EcoSys, the cost object external key id in EcoSys will match WBS element ids in SAP.

    • No export mapping for other project structures (networks, activities, orders) in SAP is supported.

  • Please refer to the section on Project/WBS Key Mappings for details on how these elements correspond to each other. Also refer special note about external key ids while exporting the network cost objects and activities created in EcoSys for the first time from EcoSys to SAP.



 <parameter name="costObjectExternalIds">




 <parameter name="costObjectCategories">

   <category type="SAP Import">YES</category>


<parameter name="wbsPlanningElement">Y</parameter>

 <parameter name="wbsAccountAssignment">Y</parameter>

 <parameter name="wbsBillingElement">N</parameter>

 <parameter name="companyCode">2115</parameter>

 <parameter name="controllingArea">BWXT</parameter>

 <parameter name="businessArea">0001</parameter>

 <parameter name="calendar">1S</parameter>

 <parameter name="plant">NP01</parameter>

 <parameter name="profitCenter">BWXTDUMMY</parameter>

 <parameter name="mrpController">001</parameter>

 <parameter name="controlKey">PS01</parameter>

<parameter name="updateWbsStatusCodes">



