Running 0600.0020.0004.0001and prior schema updates - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

Use the following guidelines to upgrade the EcoSys (ESFM) database instance for Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.

Execute the database upgrade scripts:

  1. Locate the database upgrade scripts folder in the EcoSys installation/upgrade package for the database platform being used.

    • For Oracle databases, use /EcoSys/database/oracle/upgrades.

    • For Microsoft SQL Server databases, use /EcoSys/database/sqlserver/upgrades.

  2. Open and view the contents of each script that you need to run prior to doing so. Some scripts require different permissions or may need a path in the script changed.

  3. Starting with the current database schema version and ending with the target database schema version, execute all database scripts in order.

    If an error or warning occurs, do not proceed with the next script. Contact EcoSys Support.

  4. Save the log files for each script execution for troubleshooting purposes.