Overview - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

This section describes the high-level steps for upgrading EcoSys.

Validate prerequisites - Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for upgrading EcoSys in the section Prerequisites and Checklist.

Determine database upgrade path - Determine which database scripts to run if any. For more information, see

Determining the Database Upgrade Path

Upgrade the database - Upgrade the EcoSys (ESFM) database instance for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see Upgrading the Database.

Update EcoSys web application - Update the EcoSys web application on your application server platform.

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on Tomcat

Update the EcoSys locale files - Update the EcoSys files. For more information, see Updating the locale files.

(Optional) Update the EcoSys SAP adapter - Update the EcoSys SAP adapter on your application server platform.

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on Tomcat

Update command line batch library files - Update the library files used by EcoSys command line batch jobs. For more information, see Updating the Command Line Batch Job JAR Files.

Validate the EcoSys upgrade - Ensure that the EcoSys upgrade and that all the features are functioning properly.