Starting with EcoSys 9.1 and above, upgrading the EcoSys database is done using Liquibase. Liquibase determines the current and target database schema versions and apply the necessary database upgrades, replacing the former method of manually determining the two schema versions and running specific database upgrade scripts in order.
Before running the Liquibase scripts, the EcoSys DB schema must be 0600.0020.0004.0001. See Determining the Database Upgrade Path to find the current database schema version. If not at this version, upgrade the database to this version using the steps in Running 0600.0020.0004.0001and prior schema updates section.
Once upgraded to the 0600.0020.0004.0001, Liquibase will be used to apply all future database schema updates.
Upgrade the Oracle database
Using the new build, copy the \database\liquibase\ folder to your local machine.
Open the \database\ liquibase\ file for editing
Locate the SQL Server section and add a # character at the start of each line to comment out each of the settings.
Locate the section for Oracle and remove the # character for each setting.
Edit the URL, username, and classpath based on your environment.
Save the file.
Open a command or shell prompt on the host.
Change directories to \database\liquibase.
Ensure JAVA is on the path.
For supported Java JDK versions, see Server Java JDK (64-bit)
Using one of the syntaxes below, run the upgrade script to apply the database changes while replacing password (keep the quotes) with the password for the database user specified in the file.
For Windows, execute the following command:
- upgrade.bat "password"
For Linux, execute the following commands:
set +H
./ "password"
Set -H
The result of the command appears as follows:
Always enclose the password in double quotes.
For Windows, Escape a double quote (") in the password with an additional double quote. For example, for the password P"ssword, the command would be upgrade.bat "P""ssword"
For Linux, Escape double quote ("), back quote (`), and backslash (\) with a backslash. For example, for the password P"ss`o\d, the command would be ./ "P\"ss\’o\\d"
Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server
Using the new build, copy the \database\liquibase\ folder to your local machine.
Open the \database\liquibase\ file for editing
Locate the SQL Server section, set the URL, username, liquibaseSchemaName, and classpath based on your environment.
Save the file.
Open a command or shell prompt on the host.
Change directories to \database Liquibase.
Ensure JAVA is on the path.
For supported Java JDK versions, see Server Java JDK (64-bit)
Using one of the syntaxes below, run the upgrade script to apply the database changes while replacing password (keep the quotes) with the password for the database user specified in the file.
For Windows, execute the following command:
- upgrade.bat "password"
For Linux, execute the following commands:
set +H
./ "password"
Set -H
The result of the command appears as follows:
Always enclose the password in double quotes.
For Windows, Escape a double quote (") in the password with an additional double quote. For example, for the password P"ssword, the command would be upgrade.bat "P""ssword"
For Linux, Escape double quote ("), back quote (`), and backslash (\) with a backslash. For example, for the password P"ss`o\d, the command would be ./ "P\"ss\’o\\d"