Receiving - Intergraph Smart Materials - Help - Hexagon

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Smart Materials Mobile Scan Version

MobileScan application simplifies receiving of materials that come with barcodes/QR codes or RFIDs. The warehouse manager assigns the PO’s or release notes to the on-site personnel. The on-site personnel scan the delivered materials, enters the warehouse and quantity to receive the material.

In online mode - the data is synchronized automatically and the on-site personnel move on to the next task.

In offline mode - the runner completes all the tasks, but the data is synchronized only when the application is online. The on-site personnel must either return to the office or application must be online for additional tasks to be assigned to the on-site personnel.

You can also receive materials in bulk by scanning items one after other. This process is recommended in case receiving unique items such as spools with a quantity of 1. This process speeds up the receiving process, especially in combination with RFID’s. You can also trigger OS&D while receiving materials, informs the warehouse manager of the defect, who can then add the OS&D details to Smart Materials.

Material Receiving