How can I log in to the site without going through Smart Cloud? - Hexagon University - Help - Hexagon

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The main web address for accessing Hexagon University is

This is the web address that almost everyone else uses to access Hexagon University. You may encounter this web address in any number of ways, including:

  • Someone forwards you an email with links to suggested training.

  • Your organization posts suggested curriculum links on an internal web site.

  • You visit the site where you can browse training options ( and click one of the links to a course or path.

In all these cases, the link will take you to Hexagon University via the main web address, not your special Smart Cloud web address. When you use this main web address you won't see the option to use Smart Cloud credentials to log in.

To log in to Hexagon University directly, without going through Smart Cloud, please follow this procedure:

  1. Navigate to the Hexagon University home page (

  2. Select Log In > Log In with Email.

  3. Select Log In with a Password.

  4. On the Log in page, select Forgot password.

  5. Enter the email address that is associated with your Smart Cloud account and complete the password reset process as prompted.

  6. Complete the process as directed by the email you receive.

    If you do not see the email in your inbox after a few minutes, you may need to search your Spam folder or, if applicable, your email server’s quarantine list.

    This password reset does not change your Smart Cloud password. Your Smart Cloud and Hexagon University accounts are maintained separately.

After you have set a password on the site, you may then access the site either using your Smart Cloud credentials or by logging in directly to Hexagon University with your email and password.