Defining fields - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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HxGN EAM Version

The Fields tab holds the details of all columns included in the grid. It has the following important attributes:

  • Field – In its simplest from this is the name of a database column, like evt_code, evt_desc from the r5events table or obj_code, obj_desc from r5objects. But you can also create columns yourself. A few examples:

    • ( ‘Dummy’ ) – This column is a fixed string and will always return ‘Dummy’.

    • ( evt_code || ‘-‘ || evt_desc ) will concatenate the work order number and description separated by a dash.

    • CASE WHEN evt_type = 'BR' THEN 'Breakdown' ELSE 'No Breakdown' END will identify a breakdown work order as such and will identify all others as ‘No Breakdown’. You can rewrite this same example but instead of ‘BR’ in the condition you could use :WOType. So rather than hard coding the work order type you can now select it as a parameter on the alert.

      The use of () around the field name is usually not required, but SQL allows it and you will notice that it ‘relaxes’ the constraints on this tab a little bit so you are more likely able to edit the field name and to change the Data Type after insert.

  • Field Label – This will be the column header in the grid. Spaces are allowed here.

  • Alias – The alias does not allow spaces. If the alias does not meet the requirements, the system may replace it automatically with a system assigned alias. Do not use reserved SQL words, like from and group because, even though these will be accepted on this screen, you will not be able to activate the grid later. The recommended approach here is that you use the same value as for the field label, but without the spaces. That way the alias will be easy to recognize later, when you configure the alert.

  • Data Type – For most fields the data type is automatically selected. But for user defined fields it may still be necessary to pick a value here. In update mode this field is often protected. You may prevent that by using () around the field. See note above.

  • Grid Key – One field must be the key. You cannot activate the grid without at least one field selected as the key. Make a logical choice here, but in the end which one you pick does not appear to be very important.