Managing alerts | Alert Management screen - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Before we dive into the detailed setup of the alert, lets explain the process that the alert management driver follows when an alert is due for processing.

This process includes the following steps:

  1. Run the Before SQL logic, if available. This function was originally designed to prepare data for the next step. Think of a scenario where data comes from all over the place. This pre-process can collect that data, manipulate it and then store it in a temporary table for example. This temporary table can then be used by the user defined grid.

  2. Run the grid. This includes:

    • Filtering data based on the selected Dataspy.

    • Filtering data based on the Min/Max definition. Note that when you preview the grid this filter is not applied, meaning only the Dataspy filtering is visible at that time.

    • Create the alert for each record in the filter.

  3. Run the After SQL logic, if available. This function was originally designed to clean-up data if necessary. To remove records from the temporary table from step 1 for example.

Steps 1-3 above are executed in sequence, but are not "aware" of each other. They can use each other’s data, however, the After SQL for example, does not know inherently which alerts were created. The only way the After SQL becomes aware of this is if you write specific logic in the After SQL to locate it.