Additional available configurations - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Auto-GeneratingWOs

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Delivered Alerts are not protected; however, Infor recommends that these delivered Alerts not be updated. If something does not work correctly with user created WO generation alerts, you will not have the delivered alerts to revert to if they are updated.

If the delivered Alerts work for you as delivered, use them to generate your PM/MP work orders. If you want additional control, or options, these recommended additional configurations are available:

  • Create new UDGs for use with generate WO alerts. This may be done if, for example, you want to see different or additional fields in the grid.

  • Ensure the Grid Type for the new UDG is Alert Management.

  • Parameters tab – Ensure you have a parameter for the WO organization and the Generate Through Days (that is, number of days from system date through which to generate or create).

  • Fields tab - Ensure you have at least the fields marked as Grid Key fields on the delivered UDGs, depending on what type of PM/MP your new grid will display.

  • For non-duplicate PMs/MPs, add a due date field.

  • For duplicate PMs/MPs, add a generate through (date) field.

  • Activate the UDG.

Delivered UDGs are protected; therefore, they cannot be updated.

  • Create new generate WO alerts. This may be done if you want to create or generate PM/MP work orders on a different frequency for DEPT1 vs. DEPT2, for example.

  • Associate the UDG created for this purpose and choose key field(s).

  • Ensure the Generate WOs checkbox is selected for the new alert.

  • Generate WOs tab – Ensure the appropriate PM Schedule/Maintenance Pattern Type is selected. In the Generate Through Field, select the grid field that displays the date through which work orders will be created through, for duplicate PMs/MPs only.

  • Grid Parameters – Ensure all the grid parameters are added.

  • When working with the Generate Duplicate PM Work Orders Alert, make sure that both grid key fields are populated:

    • Grid Key Field 1 – Set to the primary key of the grid (‘pk’ on delivery)

    • Grid Key Field 2 - Set to grid field that holds pm revision (‘pmrevision’ on delivery).

    • If both fields are not populated as stated above, the grid records will not be processed when the alert executes. These fields are populated correctly on delivery and will be successfully copied if the alert itself is copied; however, if the grid Dataspy is changed these values will need to be populated manually.