FERC Unit Estimate tab - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Compatible Units

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HxGN EAM Version

The FERC Unit Estimate tab of the Compatible Units Library screen displays cost details for a CU estimate, further aggregated and categorized by work function (i.e. add, remove, or transfer), accounting code and fixed asset code. Like the Costs tab, this tab displays a view-only list of records; as well as summary totals for each field in the grid (Total Labor Costs, Total Parts Costs, Total Tools Costs, Total Services Costs, Total Additional Costs, Total Allocated Costs, Total Non-Allocated Costs, and the Total FERC Unit Estimate Cost) as well as Contributions and Total Overhead Costs. Calculations on this tab may be generated for CU estimates of any estimate type; including Cost Only, Design, As-Built or Template.

The FERC Unit estimate is calculated through an established methodology documented in utility accounting. As described in the Calculating a FERC Unit estimate example, for all compatible units associated to the CU estimate which have both accounting code and fixed asset code defined, cost details by category (i.e. labor costs, parts costs, tools costs and services costs) are summed for all compatible units records which share the accounting code, fixed asset code and same action type (with exception that ‘Remove’ and ‘Abandon’ actions are considered as the same, for accounting purposes).

As well, for any compatible units associated to the CU estimate which have an accounting code defined but do not have a specific fixed asset code defined, the system calculates and distributes costs associated with these compatible units as Additional Costs to other compatible units of the same accounting code (see Additional Costs and Total Additional Costs from Costs tab). The system then calculates the Allocated Costs field for the FERC Unit estimate by adding together any additional costs associated with each FERC Unit estimate record; with the summarized totals for labor costs, parts costs, tools costs and services costs for the FERC Unit estimate record. A value for Total Allocated Costs is generated by summing Allocated Costs for all records. To determine values for the Allocation % field, the system then divides the value of the Allocated Costs field of each FERC Unit estimate record by Total Allocated Costs.

Additionally, for any compatible units associated to the CU estimate which do not have an accounting code defined at all, the system calculates distributes the Total CU costs of these proportionally across all records of the FERC Unit Estimate. To do so, the system multiplies Total CU Cost for all of these compatible units by the value of the Allocation % field for all FERC Unit Estimate records. If overheads are being generated for the CU estimate (i.e. if the CUESOVHD Org. Option is set to ‘YES’), then the value of Total Overhead Costs is also distributed across all FERC Unit Estimate records, according to the Allocation % values.

Finally, for each FERC Unit Estimate record, the system calculates the FERC Record Cost field by adding the Allocated Costs and Non-Allocated Costs; and these values are summed, with Contributions then deducted, to generate the Total FERC Unit Estimate Cost field.