Defining EAM user information in Esri - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN EAM Configuration for GIS

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

Define HxGN EAM user information in GIS so that you can create HxGN EAM equipment records from within GIS.

HxGN EAM user information must be defined for each GIS client machine.

  1. Open an existing map.

  2. Click ArcEditor.



    Access using ArcGIS Desktop

    Click the HxGN EAM Configuration option.

    Access using ArcGIS Pro

    Click the Configuration option.

  3. Specify this information:

    User - Specify a valid HxGN EAM user name.

    If you are working in a multi-tenant environment, enter username@tenantID, e.g, if your username is SMITHB and your tenant ID isdsmp1, enter SMITHB@dsmp1.

    Password - Specify the user’s HxGN EAM password.

    Confirm Password - Re-enter the user’s HxGN EAM password.

    Organization - Specify the organization under which the user logs in to HxGN EAM.

    Style - Select the style sheet to apply to HxGN EAM pop-up windows in the Esri tool. The selected style sheet is applied to the pop-up window immediately.

    Three style sheets are provided: Default, Blue, and Gray. To create a custom style sheet, open DEFAULT.XSS located in [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\HxGNEAM\GIS\TOOLBAR\STYLES and make changes to the file as necessary. Do not save your changes to the original DEFAULT.XSS file; instead, save the style sheet under a new name to the same location. The newly created style sheet appears as an option in the drop-down list for Style.

    HxGN EAM URL - Specify the URL address for the HxGN EAM server to which Esri server should connect, such as, http://<yourserver.yourcompany>/axis/

    Tenant - Specify the tenant ID if you are working in a multi-tenant environment.

  4. Click Submit. The record is saved on the user’s machine in [Install drive]:\inforEAM\GIS\CONF\EWSUSER.XML.