Defining field mappings for attributes in Esri - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN EAM Configuration for GIS

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Define field mappings for attributes stored within GIS and HxGN EAM at the layer level. The fields are populated based on the mappings during equipment/feature creation and synchronization.

To define field mappings, you must have OEGGMP permissions.

During equipment/feature creation, the fields are populated based on the mapping relationship, e.g, to create an equipment record based on an existing feature, map data from a GIS attribute to an HxGN EAM attribute.

HxGN EAM populates the field with the data contained in GIS. You can also define field mappings based on constant values. For example, enter a GIS value of HYDRANT and map it to the category field in HxGN EAM. During equipment creation, the system always populates the category field with HYDRANT.

During synchronization, the system accesses field mappings to ensure corresponding equipment records and features reflect accurate data. If there is a discrepancy in data, the system copies data from one system to the other.

You do not have to define field mappings for a feature’s layer, location X, or location Y. These values are automatically populated in the EAM equivalent fields during creation and synchronization. You may, however, define additional field mappings for these GIS attributes if you want the values of these fields copied into other EAM fields.

You may map more than one GIS attribute to a single HxGN EAM attribute. During creation and synchronization, the system concatenates the data into the single field based on the Sequence and Delimiter.

Likewise, you can map an HxGN EAM attribute that contains concatenated data into more than one GIS attribute. During creation and synchronization, the data is parsed based on the Sequence. If the system must parse data because one field is mapped to multiple fields, it verifies that the number of fields to which to map data matches the instances of concatenated data in the source field. If it does not, the data is not synchronized.

If, however, the source field in the owner system contains a null value, the null value is copied to the multiple fields in the other system, overwriting any data that those fields originally contained.

Identify a Source system, which controls creation, and an Owner system, which controls synchronization. The data is mapped from the Source system during equipment/feature creation. The data is copied from the Owner system during synchronization. See the following example.

You define the following field mapping for the Hydrant layer:

GIS Attribute

HxGN EAM Attribute







During synchronization of the Hydrant layer, the system discovers that a feature with the ADDRESS attribute of 156 Main Street does not have a corresponding equipment record. The system creates an equipment record and automatically populates its description field with 156 Main Street because GIS is the Source.

Later, you update the same equipment record’s description to 256 Main Street in EAM. During the next synchronization of the Hydrant layer, the system updates the GIS feature’s ADDRESS attribute to 256 Main Street because HxGN EAM is the Owner of this attribute.

The system only compares attribute data for EAM and GIS if the attribute has a defined field mapping and the Action is set to Copy.

  1. Open an existing map.

    The map must contain an integrated layer to access the Map Feature Attributes pop-up window.

  2. Click Display Map.

  3. Select the layer for which to define field mappings.

  4. Click Add Mapping.

  5. Specify this information:

    Type - Specify the mapping type for the record as Equipment or Work Orders.

    HxGN EAM Grid - If you selected Work Orders as the value for Type, specify the EAM user defined grid to use for mapping. The fields available for mapping are based upon the EAM grid selected here.

    The user defined grid must be Active and have the GIS WO Attribute Mapping Grid check box selected to show in this lookup.

    Type and HxGN EAM Grid fields only display when an event layer is selected to define field mappings.

    Source - Select the system from which data should be mapped during equipment/feature creation. Choose one of the following options:

    • GIS - Select to map data from GIS when creating new equipment records based on an existing GIS feature.

    • HxGN EAM - Select to map data from HxGN EAM when creating new features based on an existing HxGN EAM equipment record.

    • Both - Select to apply this mapping when creating new equipment records/features regardless of which system the object originally resides. The system maps data from HxGN EAM when creating new features and maps from Esri’s GIS when creating new equipment records.

  6. Select the attribute (GIS attribute or HxGN EAM attribute) from which data should be mapped or enter the value (GIS value of HxGN EAM value) that should be mapped. The attribute or value should coincide with the source system, e.g., if you selected GIS as the Source system, select a GIS attribute of GIS value to map.

    If you select Layer, Location X, Location Y, or Feature Length as the GIS Attribute from which to map data, the system automatically populates Source as GIS, Action as Copy, and Owner as GIS.

  7. Select the attribute (GIS attribute or HxGN EAM attribute) to which data should be mapped.

    See the following table to understand the relationship between Mapped From and Mapped To, e.g., if you select a GIS attribute in Step 6, you must enter an HxGN EAM attribute in Step 7:

    Mapped From

    Mapped To

    GIS attribute

    HxGN EAM attribute

    GIS value

    HxGN EAM attribute

    HxGN EAM attribute

    GIS attribute

    HxGN EAM value

    GIS attribute

    For linear features, map the GIS attribute feature length to the HxGN EAM attribute equipment length, and then map the GIS attribute for the feature’s unit of measure to the HxGN EAM attribute equipment length unit of measure to enable linear equipment capabilities in HxGN EAM. You must create your own GIS attribute in Esri for the feature’s unit of measure.

  8. Specify this information:

    Action - Choose one of the following options:

    • Copy - Select to copy the attribute data from the Source system.

    • Move - Select to move the attribute data from the Source system. After the move is completed, the data will only exist in one system.

      If you select Move, the system protects Owner. Defining an Owner implies the data exists in both systems.

      Owner - Select the system that controls synchronization when a discrepancy exists between a corresponding feature and equipment record. Data is copied from the Owner system to the field of the other system.

      Sequence - Select the sequence number of the mapping. If you select any number other than 1, the system enables Delimiter.

      You must select a Sequence number greater than 1 in the event that you map more than one GIS attribute to a single attribute within HxGN EAM, e.g., if you map HYDRANT and HYDRANT_ID from GIS to Asset EAM within , the system must know which data to list first in the EAM Asset field.

      Delimiter - Specify the delimiter value to use in the event that you map more than one GIS attribute to a single EAM attribute.

  9. Click Submit.