Customer Contract - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Contract Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

A Customer Contract has the following important attributes:

  • Contract Code - System generated but can also be entered by the user.

  • Start Date - The date the contract becomes active.

  • End Date - The date it becomes inactive.

  • Customer - Customers are defined in the Customer function.

  • Contract Template - Unlike the Asset Management Services changing a template during the active period of a contract does not impact invoicing. The template is merely used to define the contract. The template is copied to the contract and from thereon any changes must be applied to the contract itself. The Contract Template is an optional field.

  • Invoicing Currency - The currency in which the Customer Invoices will be created. It is fully supported to collect costs in USD and invoice the customer in Euros.

  • Revision - Contracts can be changed while they are active, but only by creating a new revision of the active contract. Like other revision process in HxGN EAM the old contract remains active until the new revision is approved. At that time, the old revision will be superseded.

  • Invoice generation data - Frequency of invoicing, for example weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

    • Next invoice date - This date must be defined during contract setup. After that, it is automatically updated by the Invoice Generation Process based on the frequency of invoicing.

    • Default status of the generated Customer Invoice can be Approved or Unfinished. The latter if you prefer to check manually the invoices before they go out.

    • Offset - The number of days the Invoice Generation Process will wait with the invoice generation after the Next Invoice date. This field controls the number of available days to complete the data entry of cost transactions that must be billed in the invoicing period.

    • Use Fixed Exchange rate - If your services are tracked in a different currency than the currency the Customer Invoice will be generated in, the system will convert the currencies during the Invoice Generation Process. Here you can opt to use the same exchange rate for the duration of the contract.

    • Sync Fixed Exchange rate - When entering exchange rates, the system will ensure that for the same currency conversion, when necessary, in the contract the same exchange rate is used.

    • Closed WO Only - Switch that determines whether to include open work orders in the Invoice Generation Process or only completed work orders.

  • Rounding Details - Only relevant for charges that are based on Hourly usage or Daily usage.

    • Rounding Hours - If the system determines the actual hours by subtracting an end date and time from a start date and time, there is no guarantee for a nicely rounded number. The option here is to round up or down to whole hours, half hours, or quarter hours, or not to round at all.

    • Rounding Days - The same is applicable on daily level as well. The vehicle was issued on Wednesday at 2 pm and returned Thursday at 3:11 pm. The option here is to round up or down to whole days or indeed not to round at all.

    • Hourly Invoicing Start Time - Rather than start the hourly counter at 12 midnight, it is possible to start at 7 am for example. This impacts Hourly usage only.

    • Hourly Invoicing End Time - Rather than end the hourly counter at 12 midnight, it is possible to end at 6 pm for example. This impacts Hourly usage only.

  • Status - System Codes entity CCST.

  • Buttons

    • Copy Contract - Create a new contract using an existing one as a template

    • Create New Revision - Create a new revision for this contract from the revision selected

    • Reset Contract Charge Definitions - System will refresh the Charge Definition records on header level based on the selected Contract Template. It will also delete Contract Item specific Charge Definition, but only if the Contract Item does not reference a Contract Template itself.