Sending files to Databridge - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Databridge Remote Agent

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A file containing a valid Databridge document can be placed in a folder <Partner Data Root>/<PartnerID>/ OutboundToDS. <Partner Data Root> is specified when Databridge is installed. Partner ID can be found on the partner record. For example, for partner 2, the folder structure may be c:/PartnerService/data/2/Outbound ToDS.

When a file is placed in such a folder, Databridge file utility picks it up and delivers it to Databridge as an inbound message. When it fails to deliver the document, the file remains in place to be tried again. When the delivery is successful (the document is accepted by Databridge), the file is moved to the Done folder under the OutboundToDS folder.